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Building for Success Conference
Child Development
Emergency Preparedness
First Aid & CPR
Health, Safety, Nutrition
Parent Café
Pre-Service for Family Child Care
Special Needs
Start Up Courses
"What I Meant to Say" Communication (NEW Training!)
(Center Directors/Owners only) Preparing Your Early Childhood Education Business for Reopening After COVID 19
(Family Providers only!) Preparing Your Early Childhood Education Business for Reopening After COVID 19 (Family Providers only!)
“Let’s Talk” Communication
45 Hours Director's Administrative Pre-Service Training: Modules 1-15
45 Hours Infant/Toddler Pre-Service: Methods & Materials Modules 1-15
A Child's Eye View: Inspiring Wonder Through Environmental Design (NEW!)
A Learning Plan for Infants, Toddlers & Twos
A Play on Literacy
A Sense of Place: Human Geography in the Early Childhood Classroom
A World of Music and Dance
A10-Motivating Positive Behavior
A11-Bringing STEM to the Classroom through Simple Items & Nature
A14-Story Time: Families Teaching and Learning
A17-Talking to Parents About Breastfeeding
A17-The Total Package
A18-Active Bodies, Active Minds: Strategies for Teaching the Active Child
A18-Rules with Reasons
A19-Express Yourself!
A1-Mathematics and Movement
A21-Practice What You Eat
A22-Every Child Can Go to Child Care
A22-Using SEFEL Strategies in the Classroom
A23-Ages and Stages in the Elementary Years
A24-What's New? A Conversation with the Director of Office of Child Care
A25-Saving Our Children: Substance Abuse and the Child
A26-Bringing Nature Into the Classroom
A26-How Can We Relate, Demonstrate and Articulate Child Development
A27-Calgon…Take Me Away: The Beauty of Self-Care!
A27-Curriculum Café
A28-Promoting Resilience: A Trauma-Informed Approach
A4-"PURPLE Tears:" The Period of Purple Crying
A4-Creative Moving and Learning Experiences for Infants and Toddlers
A9-Infant Massage-Connecting to the Heart
Accessible Learning Environments for All Children
Accommodations and Activities for Children with Special Needs
Accreditation: Exploring the Possibility
Achieving Quality Standards in Early Education (NEW Training!)
Act Early: Know the Signs of Developmental Delays
Active Bodies, Active Minds
Activities and Stories for Your Holiday Curriculum
Activities for the Culturally Diverse Classroom
Activities to Enhance Communication Skills
Activities to Enhance Infant & Toddler Development
ADA and Special Needs-You Can Do It!
Add Variety to Your Program-Cool Crafts for Holidays and Everyday
Addressing the Mental Wellness of Preschoolers
ADHD: What Every Provider Should Know
Ages and Stage, 0-5 Years
Ages and Stages of Growth and Development
Ages and Stages Zero to Three (NEW!)
All Children Are Gifted (NEW Training!)
Amazing Brainy Babies
Amazing Obstacle Course and Other Physical Activities
An Educators Guide to Maryland EXCELS
An Excellent Educator Means…Being Intentional
An Introduction to ASQ-3 and ASQ Online - 2 Hour
Anger Management with Young Children
Anger Management: Save Your Sanity, Eliminate Your Stress
Ant DivaMo Teaching Order Early
Anti-Bias Cultural Competence Awareness
Anti-Bias Cultural Competence/Awareness
Ants in Their Pants: Teaching Children Who Must Move to Learn
Are You Ready for This
Art and Writing Areas
Art for Children
Art for Toddlers-Methods and Materials for One and Two-Year Olds (NEW Training!)
Art Matters
Assessing Child Care Programs
Asthma & Anaphylaxis
Autism Among Today's Children
Autism and Child Care
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Child's Perspective
B10-Don't Worry, But Don't Wait!
B12-Business Sustainability-The Business Practice Operations Connection
B12-I Can Do This
B13-Trauma Informed Approaches to Prevention & Treatment of Child Maltreatment
B16-Facilitating Attachment and Bond with Children in Your Care
B17-Keeping it Real: The Basics of HIV
B18-SET Everyday…Using Centers in Afterschool Settings
B19-Collaborative Developmental Screening
B1-Mathematics and Movement
B1-Peaceable Classrooms
B20-Planting Seeds for Early Literacy
B21-Practice What You Eat
B23-I Can Write!
B23-Temperament Differences
B24-Ready to Learn: Health and Nutrition
B26-Curriculum Café
B26-Ready to Learn: Math & Measurement
B27-Happy Food, Happy Tummy!
B27-Keeping it Real: What You Thought You Knew About HIV/AIDS
B28-Cooperative Games
B29-The ABC's of Taxes and Record Keeping
B30-Getting Your Children Ready to Learn
B3-Beyond the Noise to Peace of Mind
B3-Keeping Children Safe When We Travel
B5-Babies Simply Know: Exploring Natural Movement Patterns in Infants
B6-Let the Pictures Move You: Using Books with Few Words to Inspire Movement and Language in Children
B7-Every Child Ready to Read
Baby Art
Baby Basics
Baby Blocks: Helping Infants & Toddlers Grow
Baby Music
Baby Signs (NEW Training!)
Baby Talk (NEW Training!)
Baby Talk: Early Language Development
Banish Bullying!
Basic Health & Safety and Breastfeeding Awareness
Basic Health & Safety Training
Basic Health & Safety Training with Supporting Breastfeeding in Child Care
Be a Strong Caregiver
Becoming Aware of Cultural Issues (Infant/Toddler Training)
Behavior Guidance for Infants and Toddlers
Best Practices in Your Family Child Care Business
Beyond Back to School Night - Family Involvement vs. Family Engagement
Big Anxiety, Small Child
Blooms of Inclusion: Implementing Universal Strategies for Inclusive Practice
Book it to Cook It!
Boosting Self-Esteem in Children
Boosting Self-Esteem in Children
Boosting Your Program's Enrollment: Marketing Made Easy
Bottoms Up! Tummy Time Fun
Breaking the Behavior Code: Discovering the "Why" Behind Challenging Behaviors
Bring Your Curriculum to Life
Building a Dynamic School Age Program
Building Classroom Communities
Building Language
Building Literacy through Expressive Arts
Building Partnerships that Last
Building Pre-Reading Skills
Building Relationships with Parents
Building Resilience in Young Children (NEW Training!)
Building Strong Foundations
Building Strong Teams through Understanding Personality Types
Building Your Resilience (NEW Training!)
Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care Providers
But He Hit Me First
But It's Mine! Redirecting Toddlers (Developing Social Emotional Competencies)
But It's Mine…Redirecting Toddlers
Bystander Intervention - Bystanders Protecting Children From Boundary Violation & Sexaul Abuse
Calgon, Take Me Away! Rejuvenate throughout the Day
Cameras in the Classroom
Canvas of Learning: Classroom Displays and Documentation
Capturing Child Development Through Portfolios
Caring for Children Affected by Substance Abuse
Center Aide Orientation
Challenging Issues with Parents and Staff
Character Development in Preschool (NEW Training!)
Chatting with Children: Interactions That Go Places (NEW Training!)
Child Development and the Child with Special Needs
Children as Leaders of Learning-Lessons in Emergent Curriculum
Children with Special Needs in the Early Childhoold Environment
Circle Time Fun
Circle Time: You Can Make It Developmentally Appropriate
Classroom Schedules and Transitions: Tricks and Tips to Help Your Day Run Smoothly (NEW Training!)
Coloring Outside the Lines (NEW Training!)
Combining Living and Learning (NEW Training!)
Communicating Effectively with Parents in Your Program
Communicating with Parents as Partners
Communicating with Young People (School Age Training)
Communication 101: The Basics
Communication and Teamwork
Communication Skills for Child Care
Communication Training for Child Care Providers
Community Collaboration and Learning Around Town
Conflict and Teamwork (NEW Training!)
Conflict Resolution Strategies
Connecting Assessment to Curriculum and Instruction (NEW Training!)
Connection before Correction: Positive Child Guidance and Discipline Strategies
Counting on Math in Early Childhood Education (NEW Training!)
CPR/First Aid Certification
Crawling Across the Curriculum with the Very Hungry Caterpillar
Creating a Compassionate Classroom: Bullying
Creating a Literacy Rich Environment
Creating a Stress Reducing Environment for Children of All Ages
Creating a Writing Center from Dollar & Thrift Store Finds
Creating Activties for School Age Children
Creating Culturally Rich Environments with Loose Parts
Creating Developmentally Appropriate Environments for Children
Creating Developmentally Appropriate Programs for Children
Creating Success in an After School Program
Creative Ideas for Varied Ages
Creative Math Experiences
Creative Thinking
Cultivating Creative Problem Solvers
Cultural Competency in Early Childhood Education
Cultural Competency: What Does It Really Mean
Culture, Development and Learning (Infant Toddler Training)
Curriculum Development
Curriculum: Making the Right Choice for Children
Customer Service Leads to Customer Satisfaction
Customizing Your Contracts
Dance in Your Pants/Ants in Their Pants
Dance, Sing and Create Throughout the Day
Dangerous Teen Trends
Developing a Community Resource File (NEW Training!)
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Developing Young Thinkers
Developmental Delays
Developmentally Appropriate Art
Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Infants and Toddlers
Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Classroom Environments and Centers for Child Care Programs
Developmentally Appropriate Supervision
Director's Holiday Luncheon
Directors' Holiday Training
Directors Institute
Discipline is Teaching
Do Tell: Planning for Parent Teacher Conferences
Drama Kings and Queens (NEW Training!)
Dump the Dittos: Enhancing Children's Learning
Early Childhood & Social Emotional Health
Early Childhood STEAM
Early Childhood STEAM
Early Learning Assessment (ELA)
Early Literacy Experiences: The Joy of Children's Literature
Early Writing Experiences for Children
Educational Equity: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Literacy
Educational Equity: Promoting Practices to Create Equitable Classrooms
Eensy Spider and Somersaults, Early Fine & Gross Motor Skills (NEW Training!)
Effective Discipline
Elevate and Empower: Training Teachers as Young Scientist Mentors
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
Emergent Writing
Encouraging Imaginative Play
Engaging Indoor Activities for Inclement Weather (NEW!)
Enhancing Early Emotional Development
Enhancing Physical Development
Enhancing Problem Solving Skills
Enhancing Your Childhood Curriculum
Enhancing your Early Childhood Curriculum
Enriched Learning Centers
Environments and Routines for Infants and Toddlers
Essential Practices for a Well Balanced Child Care
EXCELS for Program Staff: You've Got Questions-We've Got Answers
EXCELS Overview
EXCELS: Next Steps
Exploitation of Children - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Exploring Nature with Young Children
Express Yourself! Discovering How to Extend Children's Natural Forms of Self Expression to Promote Early Literacy Skills
Eye Spy: Playground Surveillance
Family and Community Partnerships
Family Child Care Start-Up Package
Family Child Care: 24 Hours Pre-Service Training Modules 1-6
Family Portraits
Family-Provider Partnerships
FCCP(Family Child Care Preservice): Child Development Module
FCCP(Family Child Care Preservice): Community Module
FCCP(Family Child Care Preservice): Curriculum Module
FCCP(Family Child Care Preservice): Health, Safety, Nutrition Module
FCCP(Family Child Care Preservice): Professionalism Module
FCCP(Family Child Care Preservice): Special Needs Module
Feeling Good, Feeling Great-Strategies for Building Children’s Self Esteem
First Aid and CPR (Infant, Child and Adult) Certification
First Words & Beyond: Early Intervention Strategies to Support Communication in Young Children
Fit from the Start
Flannel Board Fun
Flannel Board Stories: Gateways to Literacy
Food Safety in Child Care Programs
Footsteps to Fitness: Helping School-Age Children Achieve & Maintain Fitness
For Safety's Sake: Keeping Children Safe in Child Care
Fostering a Father Friendly Environment (NEW Training!)
Foundations for Success: What New Teachers, Aides an Assistants Need to Know
From Chaos to Calm-Planning for a Multi-Age Group
From Zoo to Zen - Age & Developmentally Appropriate Supervision
Fruits and Veggies at Every Meal
Fun and Easy Science Activities
Fun with Feelings
Fun with Math in the Block Corner
Fun with Transitions
Games Children Play
Getting Parents Involved
Getting the Most Out of Play
Getting to Level 3
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Strategies to Get Parents Involved
Gifted Children are Special Too!
Good-for-You Food Fun
Group Games & Group Management for School Age Care
Guide to Self-Assessment: Using Maryland EXCELS Standards to Guide Program Self-Assessment
Guiding Children's Behavior for Positive Results and Beyond
Hand in Hand-Fostering Family and Community Partnerships
Hands-On Art for Twos
Healthy Babies-Healthy Programs
Healthy Beginnings Modules I & II
Healthy Bodies Inside and Out
Healthy Children Through Nutrition and Physical Activity (NEW Training!)
Healthy Habits for Young Children
Helping Children Manage Stress
Helping Children Succeed in School by Helping Parents Be Teachers Too!
Helping Preschoolers Become the Storyteller-Dialogic Reading
Holiday Celebrations in Our Community
Holiday Fun with Movement and Music
HOPE 101: Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences
How Children Learn
How to Create a Meaningful Lesson Plan
How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Children
How to Expertly Navigate Conflict in the Workplace
I Am Full of Emotions: Why Social Emotional Skills and Emergent Literacy Are Important
I Can Write My Name!
I Can't Take it Anymore! Recognizing & Reducing Stress
I Had It First! Conflict Resolution Skills
I Love You Rituals and Other Routines for Infants and Toddlers
Identifying Challenging Behaviors & Their Solutions
Identifying Child Abuse and Neglect in a Virtual Space
I'm So Sad…Identifying Signs of Depression in Young Children
IMIL (I am Moving, I am Learning): Activities for All
IMIL (I am Moving, I am Learning): Move, Play and Learn at Home
IMIL (I am Moving, I am Learning): Teaching Across Cultural Horizons
IMIL -Body Language: A Movement Vocabulary
IMIL: Birth to Five-Introduction to Motor Development
IMIL: Engaging Families and Staff in MVPA
IMIL: Making the Most of Your Music
IMIL: Opportunity Knocks
Improving Transitions in Your Program
Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Including Children with Special Needs
Including Children with Special Needs in Your Program
Inclusion and the Maryland EXCELS
Inclusion Strategies for School-Age Programs (NEW Training!)
Infant and Toddler Development
Infant and Toddler Module 10: Community Resources
Infant and Toddler Module 11: Personal and Social Development
Infant and Toddler Module 12: Language Development
Infant and Toddler Module 13: Cognitive Development
Infant and Toddler Module 14-Physical Development
Infant and Toddler Module 15: Problem Solving
Infant and Toddler Module 4: Working with Parents
Infant and Toddler Module 5: Nutrition
Infant and Toddler Module 6 - Health
Infant and Toddler Module 7 - Safety
Infant and Toddler Module 9: Assessment and Screening
Infant and Toddler STEM
Infant and Toddlers Developing a Sence of Self
Infant/Child & Adult CPR/AED
Infant/Toddler Assessment: Opening the Door to Infant/Toddler Care: Modules 1-5
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale Training I
Infant/Toddler Environmental Rating Scales
Infants and Toddlers Exploring their World: Brain Development and Movement
Infants and Toddlers: Learning through Play
Introduction to Brigance
Introduction to Healthy Beginnings
Introduction to the Environmental Rating Scales
Introduction to Virtual Learning
It Starts with Me! Celebrating and Embracing Diversity
It Takes a Village-Recognizing Neglect and Abuse
It's Raining, It's Pouring
Jumping Into Science
Keeping Energetic School-Agers Involved
Keeping Kids Healthy
Kids at Hope - Introduction to Hope-ology
Kids CAN Cook!!
Kids in Motion! Music and Movment Activities for the Whole Child
Kindercise in Action: A Moving and Chanting Approach to Learning
Kindergarten Readiness for the Child Care Community (NEW Training!)
Know, Teach and Love: Preschool (NEW Training!)
Language and Literacy: Classroom Connections
Language in the Multicultural Child Care Setting (Infant Toddler Training)
Laughter is the Best Medicine…Plus, No Copays!
Learn to Move, Move to Learn
Learning by Heart: Emotional Intelligence and School Readiness
Learning with Blocks
Leave No Child Inside
LEGO On: Building Your Preschooler One Colorful Brick at at Time (NEW Training!)
Lesson Planning for Family Child Care (NEW Training!)
Let's Celebrate: Thanksgiving-More than Pilgrims and Indians
Let's Hear it for the Boys
Let's Put the Circle Back in Circle Time
Let's Take a Field Trip
Listen When They Speak
Literacy Activities from the Mobile Literacy Lab
Literacy and Play
Literacy Development in School Age Programs
Little Boy Blues
Lively Arts for Preschoolers (NEW Training!)
Make Time Happen: Time Management Tips
Making Access Happen-Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Making Contracts and Policies Work for Your Family Child Care
Making Families Welcome: Positive Partnerships with Families
Making Meaningful Connections: Building the Foundation of the Young Brain
Making My Mark
Making the Right Choice: Curriculum
Managing Food Allergies in Child Care
Marketing for Business Growth (NEW Training!)
Marketing Your Program in Tough Times
Marvelous Math (NEW Training!)
Maryland Child Care Credential (Overview w/ Specialists)
Maryland Child Care Credential Overview
Maryland EXCELS Orientation: An Introduction to Maryland's Quality Rating Improvement System
Maryland EXCELS: Quality for All
Math by the Book: Using Children's Literature to Teach Math Skills
Math is Fun!
Math Matters
Math: Learning through Play
Medication Administration
Melodies for Learning: Using Songs and Fingerplays
Mental Health Awareness
Menu Planning and Nutrition
Messages from Maria: A Hands-on Approach to Learning
Mindfulness and Yoga for Young Children and Adults
Misbehavior and Discipline (NEW Training!)
MMSR Director's Perspective: Module 1
MMSR Domain Training: Language and Literacy
MMSR Domain Training: Mathematical Thinking
MMSR Domain Training: Personal & Social Development
MMSR Domain Training: The Arts
More Literacy + More Math = Much More Fun
More Than Books: Creating a Library Area in Your Program
More Than Math in the Block Corner
Multicultural Literature for Preschoolers
Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligencs: Discovering Gifts and Empowering Children (NEW Training!)
Munch, Munch, Crunch
Music All Day Long
My World: Social Studies for Young Children
New and Noteworthy Books for Children
No Biting!
Not in MY Neighborhood: How to Make your Program Welcome
Nurturing Brain Development
Nurturing the Brain
Nutrition and Active Learning
Nutrition and Learning
Nutrition and Wellness for Child Care
Observations, Portfolios and Assessments 101
Observe and Understand: Supporting Young Children with Challeging Behavior
Observing Young Children
On Track: All Aboard for Developmental Progress Overview
Orientation to Accreditation
P is for Partnerships-Parents and Your Program
Parent Café
Parent Café (Facilitator Training)
Parent Café (Table Host Training)
Parent Handbook
Partnering with Families to Maximize Early Childhood Experiences (NEW!)
Pathways to Professionalism: Tools of the Trade
Peaceful Classrooms: Guiding Children's Behavior
Peaceful Environments: Guiding Children's Behavior
Perpetuating Pure Play
Phonemic Awareness: The Connective Key to Reading
Picture Our World: Bulletin Boards that Speak to Families
Planning for All Children-Focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Planning Your Child Care Career Path
Play Fair! Group Games for School-Age Chlldren
Play: The Work of Children
Playground Safety (NEW Training!)
Playing for Learning
Playing it Safe
Playing it Safe: Adult Behavior Before & During Play
Playing Well with Others
Playing: The Brain Builder (NEW Training!)
Playing: The Literacy Link
Playing: The Math Path
Playing: The Science Shortcut
Policies that Protect
Positive Discipline
Positive Words for Positive Actions
Power Struggles
Preparing for Park Perfection
Preschool Art-Some Practical Ideas
Preschool Behavior Management: Positive Behavior Support
Preventing Burnout in Your Center
Prioritzing Outdoor Play
Professional Practices in Child Care Programs
Professionalism in the Early Childhood Setting
Programs + Families = Success
Promoting Children and Adolescent's Mental Health
Providers and Parents: Making It a Winning Team
Purple Tears: Adult's Impact on Infant Emotional Intelligence (NEW Training!)
Quality Begins with You
Read It Once, Read It Twice, Read It Once Again
Read with Me! Literacy and Language Development
Reading Aloud
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect
Recognizing Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse in Children
Redesign Your Circle Time
Reduce Sneezing, Wheezing & Coughing at Your Child Care Site
Relaxation Techniques for Children and Adults
Resiliency and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Routines and Cultures (Infant Toddler Training)
Schedules and Lesson Plans: Providing Quality throughout the Day (NEW Training!)
School Age Art from Scratch (NEW Training!)
School Age Development
School Age Science Activities (NEW Training!)
Scribbles Count! Emergent Writing
See How They Grow! Helping Parents Understand What their Child is Learning
SEFEL Infant/Toddler Module 1: Social Development within the Context of Relationships
SEFEL Infant/Toddler Module 2: Responsive Routines, Environments and Strategies
SEFEL Infant/Toddler Module 3: Individualized Intensive Interventions: Determining the Meaning of Behavior & Developing Appropriate Respones
SEFEL Infant/Toddler Module 4: Leadership Strategies
SEFEL Preschool Module 1: Building Relationships & Creating Supportive Environments
SEFEL Preschool Module 2: Social Emotional Teaching Strategies
SEFEL Preschool Module 3
SEFEL Preschool Module 4: Individualized Intensive Interventions: Developing a Behavior Support Plan
Self-Esteem of the School Age Child
Sensitivity Training: Using People First Language
Sensory Based Learning
Setting Limits and Ending Challenges
Setting the Stage: Assessment in Early Education and Care-Modules 1-5
Setting Up Learning Centers
Seven Elements to Enhance Early Childhood Literacy
SIDS Training: Safe Sleeping Practices
SIDS, SUID and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths
Sign with Your Child
Signing with Children
Simple Strategies for Staying Healthy During Trying Times
Simply Simple
Sing a Song of Stories
Smooth Transitions: Ready for School
So What Are PAUs and How Do I Get Them? (NEW Training!)
Social Studies for Young Children (NEW Training!)
Special Needs Children in the Early Childhood Environment
Splashing Into Learning (Taking Learning Outside)
Stages and Ages: Positive Discipline for School Age Children
Story Time Magic
Storyteller's Toolbox
Storytelling, Puppets and Fingerplays
Stress in Child Care: Who's in Charge Here?
Stress in the Classroom
Succesfully Managing Children's Behavior: Creating a Supportive Environment
Successful Relationships Begin with You (NEW Training!)
Successfully Managing Children's Behavior: Connecting in Meaningful Ways
Successfully Managing Children's Behaviors; Partnering to Make a Difference
Supervise for Safety
Supporting Breastfeeding Families in Child Care
Supporting Breastfeeding in Child Care (Continued Training)
Supporting Children with Disabilities, Delays, and Special Health Care Needs
Supporting Culturally Diverse Families (Infant Toddler Training)
Supporting Dual Language Learners: Infancy through Preschool
Supporting Language and Literacy Every Day
Supporting STEM through Play
Supporting the Child of an Incarcerated Parent (NEW Training!)
Surefire Contracts that Win Every Time
Surviving Summer with School-Agers
Take the Mystery Out of Science
Taking Good Care of You
Taking Learning Outside
Taming the Tiger in Your Program: Working with the Difficult Child
Teach with Household Chemistry
Teaching Children Self-Protection
Teaching Parents About School Readiness
Teaching Problem Solving Throughout the Day (NEW Training!)
Team Building (NEW Training!)
Team Spirit - Fact or Fallacy?
Teamwork and Communication
Teamwork and Conflict Resolution (NEW Training!)
Technical Assistance Group Session
Temper Tantrums
Temper Tantrums
Temperaments and Learning Styles
The ABC's of Creating a Healthier Child Care Environment
The ADA and Special Needs: You Can Do It
The Birds and the Bees as Young as Threes?
The Child Care Provider as a Professional
The Early Childhood Curriculum: Learning Through Experiences
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Children: Building Self-Esteem
The Growing Brain - Understanding Behavior (from Birth to Five Years Old Series)
The Joy of Children's Literature
The Maryland Child Care Credential
The Most Challenging Issues in Child Care
The Next Step in Emergency Preparedness
The Parent-Child Care Provider Dance
The Power of Communicating with All Families
The Role of Play in Child Development
The Skin You Live In
The Sounds of Music
The Storytelling Toolbox
The Value of Positive Guidance: Using Maryland EXCELS Standards to Support Best Practice
The World is Your Easel
Thinking Outside the Blocks (Taking Learning Outside)
Time for Referral: Tips for Talking with Families (NEW Training!)
Together Again: Group Time and Games
Toilet Training-Catching the Cues of the Potty Dance
Tools for Tantrums
Tools of the Trade II Session 1: Inspiring Young Minds…The Scientist in All of Us
Tools of the Trade II Session 2: Explore It! Design It! Use It!
Tools of the Trade II Session 3: SET Abilities for the 21st Century
Tools of the Trade II Session 4: Hands On! Minds On…Inquiry & Experiential Learning
Tools of the Trade II Session 5: How Kids Learn Science & What It Means to Afterschool
Tools of the Trade II Session 6: Kid Fit Science…Ages & Stages & SET
Tools of the Trade II Session 7: Creating SET-Rich Environments
Tools of the Trade II Session 8: Under the Microscope…How to Identify & Adapt SET Curriculum for Afterschool
Tools of the Trade II Session 9: SET Everyday…Using Centers in Afterschool
Transitioning to Kindergarten
Traumatic Events: Helping Our Children Cope During and After a Crisis
Treat Yourself
Typical and Atypical Early Child Development
Understanding & Preventing Bullying Behaviors in Child Care
Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Preschool Program (NEW Training!)
Understanding Autism Today
Understanding Children's Behavior
Understanding Children's Behavior & Boosting Self Esteem in Children
Understanding Early Language and Literacy Development
Understanding Language and Literacy
Understanding Linguistic & Cultural Diversity & Language Acquisition
Understanding Playground Safety
Understanding Temperaments: Implications for Working with Young Children
Understanding the Importance of Observing and Assessing Young Children
Unwelcome Intruders-Combating Germs, Bacteria & Viruses
Use Your Words
Using Art to Heal Trauma
Using Children's Literature to Support Emotional Development (NEW Training!)
Using Literacy Skills Throughout the Day
Warm Up to Winter
What Happened to the World? Helping Children Cope (NEW Training!)
What Parents Need to Know: Dangerous Teen Trends
What to Do? Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator (NEW Training!)
What's in Their Backpack? The Impact of Trauma
What's New: Office of Child Care Updates
Where Conversation Leads
Where Listening, Speaking and Reading Begins: Understanding Early Literacy Development
Who's Coming to Your Program?
Who's in Charge Here: Stress Reduction
Why Do Children Misbehave?
Why Do Toddlers Bite?
Why Don't they Hear Me? Having Sensitive Conversations with Parents
Why Don't they Listen to Me?
Why Play Matters (NEW Training!)
Why Risk It? Managing Risk in Child Care
Why Teach Science?
WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 5 & 9
WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 6&8
WIDA Early Years Essential Actions Orientation
Winter Fun Without the Sun: Activities, Music and Fingerplays
Working Together: Community & Its Helpers All Around Town
Working Together: The Importance of Community Helpers in Our Daily Lives (NEW Training!)
Working with Children in Mixed Age Groups
Working with Families of Infants and Toddlers
Working with Mixed Age Groups
Working With Parents
Writing Lesson Plans
Writing Quality Policies and Procedures: How to Develop and Document Daily Practices
You've Got a Friend: Teaching Friendship Skills (NEW Training!)
Zero to Three Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators: Supporting Language & Literacy Development
ZERO TO THREE: 45 Hours Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators
Anne Arundel County
Prince George's County
Month View
Class Starting Dates in Bold
October 2024
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